At the suggestion of a fellow camper at the Arco KOA, we headed this morning for Baker City, Oregon. There we visited the Oregon Trail Regional Museum before heading out to see The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. We discovered that a favorite movie of ours, “Painted Wagon” was filmed nearby, saw an awesome collection of rocks, and some wonderful old machinery at the museum located in the old municipal natatorium. We also talked with a descendent of Oregon Trail pioneers. Before we arrived at the interpretive center we walked a bit of the trail that ran along side of the road. The center had some fabulous full sized dioramas as well as a terrific interpreter who did the role of the mountain man.  By mid-afternoon we were headed for Spokane.  We arrived well after dark and found lodging on the north end of town.



1 Comment

  1. Gary

    Some of the people I worked with is Oregon had houses that were in a subdivision that the Oregon trail ran through.  They also had snow plow attachments for their vehicles.


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Winter Magic in Medina

Winter Magic in Medina

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