Left Boulder by way of Canyon Road giving us an opportunity for a short hike to Boulder Falls. Then drove up through Estes Park to the Fall River Visitor’s Center which was closed but the restaurant was open so we stopped for a midday repast and some hydration – a good thing when you are not accustomed to 9000 feet of elevation. One of the first things we saw inside the park was a bull elk with his harem. Probably close to three dozen elk in the middle of the meadow! Also saw deer grazing by the side of the road, ravens soaring through the air, a magpie fluttering about at the edge of the meadow, and a weasel darting across the road and into the brush. Although the Trail Ridge Road was open we opted for a shorter drive. We got up to 10,000 feet and did see snow left over from the season’s first snowfall. On the way out of the park we visited the Beaver Meadows Visitor’s Center. The building was designed by an architect that studied under Frank Lloyd Wright and shows his influence with the way it blends in with its environment. Then we drove into Denver and had a delightful experience checking into the Doubletree Inn and scored a ninth floor room with a view of downtown Denver!After dinner we walked to Casey’s Irish Pub to join friend, Deb for a pint at her neighborhood watering hole. We had a wonderful time catching up on one another’s lives and unofficially playing the trivia game “Geeks Who Drink”.

I like the new layout. Do you remember the name of that architect? And “Geeks Who Drink”? What are the rules? I bet I already play without even realizing it.
How wonderful to see pictures of one of our favorite vacation memories! We 4 (brother included) went to spend a week in Estes Park and loved every minute of it. Our day trip into Boulder took us past the same falls and just seeing it again brought back great memories.
Our Estes trip had us staying in a great townhouse for the week with a rushing stream just out the back door! It was late July and we all made a point of trying buffalo and elk–the latter in a great Madeira mushroom sauce! Quite a different meat with some characteristics of beef but much leaner.
Anne’s favorite part of the trip was the several-times-a day trips into Rocky Mountain National Park. Our pass was a real $ saver! We saw elk galore. We even saw them crossing one of the roads in town on our way to Mass Sunday morning. Great old stone church that really brought the Spirit into your heart.
We loved spending time downtown and just exploring the different shops. Anne got her cowgirl hat there–custom fit to her head.
We also had the luck (in July) of crossing into Wyoming during Frontier Days and had no idea the event was going on. It’s a rodeo that’s even bigger than the Calgary Stampede! Got to enjoy the many exhibits and different events. Fun times and great memories.
Oh yes, remembr to hydrate–with humidity as low as 15%, we were feeling some of the effects of the altitude difference like sleeplessness, thirst, dry skin. Thank goodness for saline drops! Saved us for sure.
Love visiting with you along your journey. Stay safe!
Bet you didn’t know I was born in Boulder! When I was a kid we used to go back every summer until I turned 16. Then I didn’t return until a couple of years ago. Have been to Estes Park multiple times and love Rockey Mountain National Park!