First Sweater Finished


It’s finished! Finally! This project began on May 2, 2010 when we visited an LYS (local yarn shop) in Odessa with CJ and Phil. We got everything – yarn, pattern, needles – needed for a sweater. Steve was sport enough to agree to wear a sweater if Karen knit it for him. It was a learning process. There was a lot of tinking (that’s “knit”ting backwards) and frogging (that “rip it”) and starting over as well as learning a few new techniques. But it’s done! Finished the last cast off last night. And Steve gamely wore it to the Smoky Mountain Knitting Guild Christmas Party this afternoon. Actually he was grateful for a warm wool sweater since the Old Stone Inn was a chilly place on this cold afternoon.




  1. Mark

    Way to be a good sport Steve!!!

  2. Steve & Karen

    Thanks for commenting. It definitely makes blogging more fun!


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