Sunday at the House


IMG_5348Gary’s definitely on the mend. We’ve been trying to get him out of the Rehab Center for reasons other than just for physician’s appointments. Today we went to the house and we worked on sorting through the books in his library. Unless he wanted to set up parallel bookshelves in the back bedroom and turn it into a library stacks, it was imperative to weed out some of the tomes he has collected over the past fifty years. We finished up with a visit to Applebee’s and a meal of quesadillas, a food not on the menu at Oak Manor!  The trip to the house also gave Gary a chance to get a look at the century plant in his front planter. Century plants live for thirty years then bloom one time and die.




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.