Helping Grandpop



IMG_6600We started the day with early Mass at St Peter’s in downtown Canton then went on the The Strip, the retail district northwest of Canton overflowing with chain retail establishments. Another set of shelves. This one to contain the clutter of backpacks, shoes, and coats that wants to accumulate in the middle of the floor. Stainless flatware to replace the motley collection that was a victim of a plumbing flood in the apartment. Groceries. And all sorts of miscellany that helps create an organized household. By the time we arrived at the house the girls had arrived. We visited for a bit then everyone settled down for a nap/quiet time before it was time for Dave to disappear and get some more studying done. While Riley was engrossed with a game on the MacBook, Steve settled in to assemble the latest of the shelving units while Karen went upstairs to awaken Peyton. As almost four year olds sometimes do, she made it loudly clear that she did not want to wake up. But then did agree to be carried downstairs and sit on Nana’s lap in the rocker. Quietly she watched the shelf assembly then asked if Grandpop was using Daddy’s tools and why. As Steve reached a point where he needed to hold tow pieces in a standing position. Peyton piped up with “Grandpop do you need help?” slid from Nana’s lap and proceeded to help put the shelving together. Once the shelves were in place near the back door she very enthusiastically put her backpack in it’s place. Dave was back in time for a family dinner of spaghetti and meatballs finished off with some of the world’s finest ice cream, Graeter’s! Peyton likes the Black Raspberry Chip.




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