Urban Camping

Family, Road Trip

20140207 Urban Camping
It’s a nice way to be “at home” while visiting with friends. We brought our own bedroom with kitchen attached and parked it in Gary’s driveway. When we’re not out and about sharing lunch or dinner with family or friends, walking the beach, enjoying libations at Sloppy Joe’s, dancing, shopping for cool camping amenities at Bill Jackson’s, savoring gelato on Beach Drive, or any of the myriad joys of visiting Pinellas County, then we can be snuggled in our own little cocoon and sleeping in our own bed. We can start the day by making our own coffee/tea and breakfast in the kitchen while enjoying the amenities of electric power and a wi-fi connection from the house.



1 Comment

  1. Greg

    Sounds lovely – nothing quite like having your own bed while out on adventures.


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