It’s Spring Cleaning Time! Our current emphasis is on dejunking closets. We’re bent on getting rid of superfluous stuff. One thing we are discarding is the packaging for all our CD’s and DVD’s. We’re keeping the original discs although we’ve ripped the music and movies to our computer but the discs we are storing in paper sleeves in a couple of boxes designed for that purpose. The space savings is amazing. We’re also sorting through boxes and boxes of paper memorabilia and using Scan Genius on the iPhone to convert lots of stuff to scanned images then recycling the paper. We’ve gone through several cupboards and drawers and discarded useless stuff and donated good reusable stuff. And we’ve only begun.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.
Don’t you feel a great sense of accomplishment?!
Oh! It’s so good to begin finding space in closets and drawers. We’ve lost count of the trips to Friends of the Library, Goodwill, and the dump but there have been many. And there’s still so much yet to sort through!