Kilz is Amazing!


With all the hard rain last night and all day today, we learned we really do have a roof leak. Some months ago we noticed a stain on an upstairs ceiling and immediately called Ken, our guru of all things home construction. He could not find the leak at that time. So we developed a plan. We would paint over the stain with Kilz and watch the area to see if the stain recurred. After every storm and every trip we’d check the ceiling and heave a sigh of relief that there was no more staining. Then today things changed. In the middle of the hard rain we looked up and discovered we had a water balloon developing in the middle of the ceiling! Another call to Ken who came quickly and was able to find the actual leak. Now we have a new game plan. Seal the leak. Replace the insulation. Paint to ceiling again. And all will be well! Thank heavens for Kilz!




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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

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Excursion to Bath, England

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