Back to the Mountain


After nearly a month down south enjoying Florida and Caribbean sunshine we are headed home to the mountains. It has been a great time with friends and family. Besides the cruise, we helped get Karen’s parents’ house ready for sale, helped Vivian make the move to her new digs, saw Dave & Kathy’s new home on wheels, toured Pete & Debi’s lovely gardens, and so much more. There is never ever enough time to visit with everyone we love when we are in the area but it’s wonderful to see and spend time with a few of the wonderful folks who have helped to guide us along the way. Now we are headed back to the mountains to revel in some solitude and to sort through the treasures gleaned from Karen’s parents’ move.





1 Comment

  1. Debi, Pete, and Anne

    It was wonderful to have you visit again! It never seems long enough for all we want to talk about! See you soon!


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