You just gotta love it if you are a Cincinnatian by birth or by heritage. You might fall into the Gold Star camp or, like us, the Skyline camp, but you love the Greek inspired dish known as Cincinnati Chili – served 3-Way, 4-Way or 5-Way, over spaghetti with cheese and perhaps chopped onions and/or beans. Since we can’t just pop down to the chili parlor when we get the urge, we rely on or local grocery to supply us with frozen Skyline and it’s a staple in or freezer. Tonight we cooked it up in the new Cuisinart Oven Central. Presentation was not quite traditional but the taste was spot on! Guess we will be carrying a supply of canned Skyline when were hit the road!
Cozumel & Grand Cayman
Aboard the Norwegian Jewel we’ve made stops in Cozumel, Mexico and Georgetown, Grand Cayman to explore beyond our previous experiences here. Soon we’ll be making our way to ports we’ve not yet explored in the Southern Caribbean.