Getting Our Baby Back

Road Trip

The call came while we were enjoying a cup of decaf at Wallhouse. It was Marvin with the news that our T@B was ready to pick up. We headed that way right away and found Marvin waiting for us in the parking lot. Gigi II is better than new!  The guys did a beautiful job of installing the digital ALDE thermostat and the IKEA racks as well as fixing a couple more items. While we were there we got to visit with Ed who gave us the opportunity to tour the new truck camper and get a look at the shiny new Pleasant Valley factory filled with campers under construction. We always enjoy the chance to hang out with the good guys here!     




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.