Inside is Good

Road Trip

We arrived at Noccalula Falls, set up, made coffe, gave a tour of the T@B, then as we settled into our chairs and checked the weather app we made a quick decision to fold and stow the chairs and seek shelter inside the trailer. Moments later the sky opened, lightning flashed, thunder cracked, rain fell in torrents. Fortunately we got very little hail and the storm cell passed quickly. It was good to be inside!




  1. Kathy Hawkins

    Yes, there are times to hunker down! Stay safe

  2. Lynne

    Thank goodness you have Gigi to take shelter within and not just a tent. Stay safe.

  3. Mark

    You are getting our rain from last week…but sunny here now!!!!

    We only had 9 inches from Friday the 23rd to Saturday the 30th.

  4. Steve & Karen

    From the looks of the radar map this morning, it looks like Greg, Rachel, and Linus got to enjoy it also!


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Winter Magic in Medina

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