Kayaks in Transit


     Back in ’02 we fell in love with kayaking and soon became proud owners of two 12 foot flat water boats. For the next few years we were frequently out on the rivers, lakes, and bayous all over SW Florida. Those outings were glorious times! Then we moved to the mountains of NC. We placed the kayaks on the mountainside behind the house and there they sat undisturbed. We now have an inflatable kayak that travels with us. It’s time for the Sundance boats to have a new home. Yesterday we rented a UHaul trailer and loaded the boats. Today we are enroute to Orleans MA where we will install the boats at Ben & Lynda’s Cape House on Crystal Lake.



1 Comment

  1. Brian

    Feel strange pulling a different trailer?


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Winter Magic in Medina

Winter Magic in Medina

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