Yesterday’s adventure was to hang around the campsite most of the day. All four of us enjoyed the opportunity to relax between naps! In the evening we helped M&S determine that their outside TV works as part of their all systems check. Today we headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway where the temperatures are moderate under clear blue skies. We’ll be two nights here at the Linville Falls Campground! We’ve outside of cell phone coverage so not only will our blog postings be delayed, Steve will miss those precious Father’s Day calls in exchange for a most salubrious campsite.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.