Aunt Mary, and the Mainliner


One of the delights of any visit to Cincinnati is to spend time with Karen’s Aunt Mary. We share an interest in genealogy and love swapping family stories. We also share a passion for Cincinnati cuisine. It was her choice that we lunched today at Frisch’s Mainliner on Wooster Pike, a location rich not only in the taste of Frisch’s like the Big Boy Hamburger dressed with Tartar Sauce and the Hot Fudge Cake but in family associated memories. Uncle Bob and Aunt Nancy used to come here on dates back in the early 1950’s. We’ve come here many times on our trips to Cinti. In July 2012 we walked into the Mainliner with Greg & Rachel and several members of Steve’s family to discover Karen’s cousins Phil & Jill and several members of their family were there for brunch the day after their daughter’s wedding. We have other cool Frisch’s stories but we’ll save them for another day!





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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.