Once again we ventured out between rainstorms. We were able to snag some local zucchinis, three varieties of leaf lettuce, a small bunch of mixed varieties of kale, a dozen eggs from heritage breeds including a new egg color (olive), and some whole wheat rolls. From there we headed off for geocaching adventures to celebrate our 1st Anniversary of Geocaching! This time we didn’t have the help of gps. We were out of cell range and had neglected to save the information for off-line use. So with a bit of information and our collective geosense we snagged one under a bridge and another in a fence post! In fact Emily accomplished one of the finds! We capped off the day by grilling brats and feasting on local foods!
Burgh House Hampstead
Off the beaten path is Hampstead is the more than three hundred year old Burgh House with a fascinating history. It’s now a community center, local museum, gallery, concert venue, event space, and more open to the public four days a week. We popped over for a bite to eat and to peruse the galleries to learn a little more about Hampstead history.