Yesterday when we visited Dave we also picked up our most recent order from Amazon. Last night we installed the new Quiet Hitch ring, the tiny LED lights strand above the valance, and the the Acurite refrigerator and freezer thermometers. Then today while Gigi was at Pleasant Valley getting some upgrades and little repairs we went  Lehman’s Non-Electric Hardware Store   and picked up another half dozen items to improve life in the T@B. We now have a stovetop coffee maker for those off-grid experiences, a new entry rug that should be easier to clean, and a couple more spiffy things for the kitchen. We didn’t take enough time to even walk through all the departments at Lehman’s this time because we got word that Gigi was ready sooner than promised. She’s got new drawer latches, a battery backup for her ALDE, a new attachment for her propane regulator, some screws tightened, a couple of small parts replaced, and the screens and shades reversed so we can have privacy and airflow at the same time. Seventeen improvements in two days, not too bad!




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Rally in the Adirondacks

Rally in the Adirondacks

Thanks to the organizational skills of Mandy & Kgreat weekend of endrick, the amazing support of their team, and the sponsorship of nüCamp RV we enjoyed a great weekend of camaraderie and fun at the Northeast Rally. Gathering with fellow teardrop aficionados is always an enriching experience and this gathering in the Adirondacks was no exception.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.

Slow Journey Home

Slow Journey Home

Our journey from Portsmouth, England to our home in Ohio might have been accomplished in about sixteen hours but my avoiding air travel we were able to enjoy a fifteen day journey home via train, ship, Uber, train, as well as our own feet and finally our personal vehicle.