Quaff On!

Family, Road Trip

Bloomington! CJ & Phil’s new address! They made the move after Phil got an exciting new job offer. And there are some nice prospects for CJ too. They’ve not been here long but already they’re getting settled into their new house and getting to know their new hometown. After a quick tour of the house they took us on a walking tour of downtown. We did a bit of shopping at JL Waters where we got a couple of niceties for the T@B kitchen and then on to Quaff On! for some excellent food (the best ribs this side of Memphis) and beer and a fun waitress who graced us with a selfie after taking a picture of the four of us at table. It’s fun visiting our kids in a vibrant and fun neighborhood!




1 Comment

  1. Debi Ford

    Hi CJ and Phil, of course Karen and Steve, too! You all look so wonderful. Best wishes and prayers as you start this new adventure!


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