Hello house. Hello hot tub. Hello microwave. Hello sofa. Hello wi-fi with no data limits. Hello FaceTime with grandkids. Hello spacious deck. Hello neighbors. Hello mountain views. Hello daffodil shoots. It’s been a glorious if unpredictable winter ramble. NOLA, the Gulf Coast, St Petersburg, the Caribbean, Fort Worth, St Petersburg, and the Space Coast. Time with family and friends. Fun, food, and libations. Sunshine, rainstorms, and wind. And more than one misadventure! Now it’s time to enjoy Springtime in the mountains, get some Things to Do done, and start planning the next adventure.
Winter Magic in Medina
By deliberate choice we were in Medina for all the winter holiday festivities from Candlelight Walk in the days before Thanksgiving through A Christmas Carol and A Celtic Christmas as well as an Alex Bevan Concert and a historic house tour all the way through Medina’s 31st Ice Festival but perhaps the highlight was the town hosting hundreds of folks whose homes and lives were devasted by Hurricane Helene at the A Promise of Christmas Event the middle of January. It’s an honor to be a part of this amazing community!