Finishing Projects


It’s been a crazy busy few weeks with lots of projects and lots of help. Antonio and his crew built the new stone patio and sidewalk. Danny and Daniel installed the firepit and gas fireplace.

Steve B. did extensive trimming of grass, weeds, and tree branches. Danny and Derek did a fine job of installing the mock flue pipe for the fireplace not long after Jim filled up our propane tank. And then there’s Brian. The list is extensive. There’s the taking down of the dead locust tree,  the bathroom towel racks, the lumber pile, the steps beside the retaining wall, extra gravel in the driveway, flood lights adjustment, canopy set-up, and much much more. Of course all of our own projects and Brian’s require judicious breaks and a bit of liberality with 5 o’clock!  Lots of accomplishment though!

Thanks, Brian! We are more prepared for Deck Day than we have ever been!




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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

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