Leftovers Campfire

Road Trip

Some folks just aren’t ready to head home after the official end of Tearstock. This is the second year we have been able to join the group dubbed “The Leftovers” for dinner at The Lighthouse Bistro at the Atwood Marina. And it’s the second year we’ve gathered after dinner for a campfire. It was Nathan & Becky’s wood pellet Flame Genie provided the ambience, Michael & Jeff made sure we had plenty of popcorn and cookies, and everyone contributed to the supply of leftover cold beverages!



1 Comment

  1. Michael Mancuso

    A great night for sure. I had a little “leaky eyes” problem when I crawled into bed. I don’t do well with goodbyes and the time at Tearstock was a spectacular helping of food for the soul that I didn’t want to end.


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Heading into London

Heading into London

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