The Morning After 

Road Trip

No, the storm didn’t miss us. It swept through the campground with a vengeance leaving a trail of destruction. We had been unaware of the intensity of the storm since Doug & Mia have lined all their windows with reflectix. We didn’t see the lightning nor hear the thunder but were aware only of the sound of the rain on the T@B roof. After the storm had passed we made our way back home, checked our tents and lines, assured that all was well we climbed into bed. Just before sleep we checked Facebook to discover that several of our fellow campers had sustained damage. A walk around in the morning revealed several flattened canopies and twisted frames as well as damage to the electric system in one T@B. The whole mood was lifted though by the delicious breakfast prepared by Rich & Susan!




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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

A lovely way to spend a Sunday in Hampstead. We visited the historic Fenton House to view lots of lovely collectibles, to listen to and learn about harpsicords, and to tour and linger in the garden before heading off to the historic Spaniard’s Inn for a most delectable Sunday Roast.

Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

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