Blast from the Past


Back in 1966 Stan, Danny, Steve, and their adult leader, Jim backpacked a portion of the Appalachian Trail. The following year Karen did the same on a nearby portion of the trail with members of her family. On their honeymoon Stan and Elaine did a day hike on the trail. Through the years all of us have hiked on portions of the AT and other trails in the Smokies. In June the two of us joined Stan and two of his daughters for a hike commemorating the 1966 hike. Today we received a package from Stan and Elaine with photos from the original trip and the commemorative hike along with custom coffee mugs sporting those photos!  

And as a celebration of our current passion, they sent a red truck pulling a teardrop salt and pepper set!




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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

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