Hot Chocolate by Moonlight


Knowing that this full moon would be closer to earth than it has been since 1948, we definitely wanted to get a good view of it. But full moons take their time coming up from behind the mountains behind our house. Since at bedtime it was still behind the trees on the ridge, we got up in the middle of the night to take a peek. We used our new Nikon binoculars to get a closer look and even wandered out onto the deck in the frosty air. We’ve seen some impressive night skies this year but we’ve seen and reported a fireball on Sunday and this amazing full moon this morning in the little slice of sky here between the mountains!  Now at 3AM we’re sitting by fireplace in our flannel jammies sipping on hot chocolate! Yes, we’ll head back to bed soon enough but this is a bit of a special moment to be savored!




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.