Smoke in the Mountains


Even while we were in Ohio a couple of weeks ago, when we checked the weather in at home  we learned that there was an air quality warning. When we arrived at Tween Creeks we began learning that there had been an wildfire raging in the Dick’s Creek area near Whittier here in our county. Firefighters had it contained and we were enjoying clear mountain air until Saturday when the fire jumped containment lines. Now periodically the winds bring the smoke into the cove. We pray that rains will come and that the brave firefighters can extinguish this blaze soon so that the cause of the smokiness in these mountains can once again be only the terpenes that are emitted by the conifers that blanket the mountainsides.




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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

A lovely way to spend a Sunday in Hampstead. We visited the historic Fenton House to view lots of lovely collectibles, to listen to and learn about harpsicords, and to tour and linger in the garden before heading off to the historic Spaniard’s Inn for a most delectable Sunday Roast.

Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!