Good Bye 1772


It was our home mailing address for eight sweet years but last week we submitted a permanent change of address to USPS and today turned our keys in to our friendly postmisstress, Vangie. For folks like us who travel extensively, it’s just easier to have a box at a personal mail service. We’ve had a box at Eagle in Sylva for a while now and the staff there are wonderful at forwarding our snail mail to us wherever in the country we happen to be whenever we call. Since we’ve chosen the paperless option whenever possible, there really isn’t much that needs to be sent anyway. It makes so much sense but we both felt a bit nostalgic as we handed over the keys!




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.