The Mojito State of Mind


Today Freedom of the Seas docked in San Juan Puerto Rico. Ah! Terra firma! No, we didn’t get seasick with all the ship’s rocking as we traversed a cold front on our way here. We did miss our beach day at Labadee due to inclement weather. Today several of us debarked together and as a loosely organized group fondly referred to as The Cat Herd walked the blue brick streets of Old San Juan first to one of the historic forts then to Puerta de Vista, a restaurant atop the Hotel Milano for lunch and libations. Some of us indulged in Mojitos, a house specialty. After lunch we split into small groups and four of us found a couple of geocaches, one of the tiny houses in town, and other esoteric sites before heading back to the ship where we found Carol. She’s just come onboard after a frustrating four days trying to catch up with us after her flight into Ft Lauderdale was cancelled so we convened a meeting of The Mojitos in The Bull and Bear on The Promenade as hee Welcome Aboard Party!




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.