Cornbread Salad

2017 New England, Ohio, Road Trip

Our friends Sarah and Elsie invited the two of us and Amanda to savor the sunset and to share a dinner with them. What a treat! We relished the relaxation and the quiet thoughtful conversation. After an amazing but crazy afternoon getting set up at least part of the way, giving lots of T@B-400 tours, and helping others get situated at Winklepleck we loved the opportunity to just enjoy the pastoral view from our friends’ porch. We watched hummingbirds , cows and horses, bunnies,  and a frog. And ate a most delicious dinner. Everything was wonderful but the Cornbread Salad was the most amazing of all.



1 Comment

  1. Amanda Evans

    Such a wonderful evening! Lovely ladies and such good company. And cornbread salad!


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Heading into London

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