The Leftovers Party

2017 New England, Ohio, Road Trip

Today was the great exodus from Winklepleck Grove. üCamp17 officially ended last evening. This morning we enjoyed the gracious hospitality of Amanda who served an amazing breakfast of Scalloped Nova Scotia Potatoes out of her clamshell kitchen. But that wonderful and whimsical repast was oft interrupted by the need to get one more hug or exchange contact information with departing T@Bbers. The two of us still had a few more T@B-400 tours to give. By late afternoon we Leftovers were down to ten people in six trailers. The party moved to Baltic Mill Winery where we noshed on offerings from nearby Fox’s Pizza Den, toured the mill works upstairs, and enjoyed wine, conversation, and laughter. We closed the place down! Okay, at 9PM. At that point we moved the party back to Winklepleck, brought out two campfires in cans, circled our chairs, and proceeded to regale one another with tales of camping misadventures. Fortunately everyone still in the campground was involved because the laughter was uproarious!




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.