With His Boots On


This morning Karen’s Dad left us to make the journey to his eternal reward. Our family was all gathered around when he made his peaceful transition. We dressed him for the journey in his western best, including his boots, then shrouded this World War II Navy Air Corps Veteran in the American Flag. Tomorrow is his 91st Birthday so as he left the house we all gathered to sing Happy Birthday!




  1. Aunt Lou

    Thank you for this and next post! It was a sad time but made easier with all the loving support of family and friends.

    • Steve & Karen

      So much for which to be grateful!

  2. Lynn and Art

    So sorry to read about your dad’s death. We know how difficult it is to adjust to life without your loved one. He will be missed. Try to remember all the wonderful times you had together and cherish each memory with a smile. For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains. May God grant all your family peace.
    Love & Hugs,
    Lynn and Art

    • Steve & Karen

      Thanks Lynn & Art, we do have many wonderful memories to cherish, much for which to be grateful. Thank you so much for your love and concern.


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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.