Family history drew us to this corner of Massachusetts. Black Bear Campground in Salisbury is our home while we explore the area. Newbury and it’s neighbor Newburyport date to the 1635 when Puritans emigrated to the New World and established a haven in the New World. In 1639 Karen’s ancestor Percival Lowle was a successful Bristol, England merchant who pulled up roots and with his wife, grown children, and business associates crossed the Atlantic Ocean and upon arrival sought and received permission to settle in Newbury. Today we found the Burying Ground of the First Settlers to visit Lowle’s gravesite. Then after lunching along the waterfront we spent a delightful hour and a half touring the 19th Century Cushing House which houses the Museum of Old Newbury guided by a Alexander Burke. We learned so many tidbits of Newbury and American History. We gazed into a mirror which once upon a time reflected the image of George Washington when he stayed at another mansion in town and saw silver flatware that he likely used. We stood in the room where Franklin Pierce and Caleb Cushing and others planned what was Pierce’s successful Presidential campaign. Fascinating!

Seven Gables



1 Comment

  1. Nilda

    I believe New England is a very special place.


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Winter Magic in Medina

Winter Magic in Medina

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Savoy at Sea 2025

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