This morning we were breaking camp and heading into Gettysburg for a ranger talk so we postponed our traditional September 1st breakfast. Now the 400 is parked alongside Swatara Creek on Site 40 at the Jonestown/Hershey KOA for a three night Labor Day weekend stay and we are at Buddy’s Log Cabin Family Restaurant in Pine Grove PA noshing on Steak & Eggs. Thanks, Yelp!, for helping us find a place with Steak & Eggs on a Breakfast All Day Menu!
Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.
Our journey from Portsmouth, England to our home in Ohio might have been accomplished in about sixteen hours but my avoiding air travel we were able to enjoy a fifteen day journey home via train, ship, Uber, train, as well as our own feet and finally our personal vehicle.
It’s been a fascinating two day visit to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. We managed to pack in tours of the HMS Warrior, the HMS Victory as well ast Victory Live: The
Big Repair, and finally the Mary Rose. All were incredibly informative and well presented.