Bahler Street Pizza

2018 Northeast, Road Trip

Tonight’s the grand finale of üCamp18! We all gathered in the pavilion to enjoy Bahler Street gourmet pizza prepared onsite with a mobile wood fired pizza oven, to enjoy live music, and cheer for folks as we learn the results of the ballot counts. It’s been a great week with a Wine & Cheese Party, coffee from Wall House every morning, a homemade Amish breakfast, Walnut Creek pastries, a great Q&A on camper care, a tour of the factory floor, a swap meet, and last night’s potluck as planned events. Then there were some field trips, and lots and lots of casual visits, conversation circles, campfires and more. We even got to participate for a few minutes in a YouTube Live Stream from üCamp18 for a few minutes last evening in between visits to our T@B 400 from friends and factory workers! With all the fun, we apparently forgot to take pictures! Thank you to our hosts, the wonderful folks at nüCamp RV for an incredible experience!




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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.