Early Morning Excavations

2018 Northeast, Road Trip

Some of us volunteered to be up early Saturday morning to help finish up the temporary üCamp water so it will be ready for Monday morning when registration begins and the official rally gets underway. The first challenge of the day was finding the north end of the pipe that runs under one of the campground roads through which one of the PVC lines will be threaded. It resembled an archeological site especially when bits of pottery and wooden slabs were uncovered prompting references to cultural resource management and Indiana Jones! Now all the lines are in place and every valve is closed. Ready for Monday morning when Nate will connect it to water and we can assist in the final check. All is well with the universe.



1 Comment

  1. Susan

    Can’t wait to see you two adventurers on Monday! So good of you to pitch in with the pipes for the good of all! Stay cool and hope no one springs a leak!
    Susan & Rich and T@BOO42


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Heading into London

Heading into London

As we begin venturing into Central London we explore Primrose Hill,the Victoria Memorial, the Gatti Ice House at the London Canal Museum, and the HMS Belfast with more adventures to follow.