An Early Morning Delay

Family, International, Ireland

So according to the plan we got up at 4:30AM in order to get to AVL, the Asheville NC airport, for a 7:30AM flight only to learn the flight had been delayed and would arrive four minutes after Karen’s connecting flight is scheduled to depart Atlanta. We then proceeded to try to contact Delta online and on the phone and were getting frustrated when we got an email with new schedule. There’s blessings in this. 1. We got to catch a few more winks. 2. The drive through the rain to AVL was in daylight hours. 3. Karen’s arrival at DFW will be just ten minutes after her sister, Lou’s arrival saving their sister, Patti an extra trip to the airport today. So Karen’s now on her way to rendezvous with her sisters and together fly to Ireland for a week of exploration!

Meanwhile invitations are coming in for Steve to spend time with friends. Saturday morning farmers market in Waynesville, Saturday evening dinner with friends for starters. And when he’s not frolicking, he promises to work on scanning family photos from the 1990’s.



1 Comment

  1. Debi

    Safe travels Karen and sisters, and I’m glad Steve has plenty to do so he won’t miss you too much! 1990’s photos, making great progress! You’re inspiring me to tackle that project!


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Heading into London

Heading into London

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