In Search of Black Pudding

Family, International, Ireland

The few bites we took of light breakfast with our coffee/tea this morning was not meant to hold us long. On our way south into Ennistimon we consulted Yelp! for an eatery offering Black Pudding. Black and White Puddings as well as Irish Bacon are components of a traditional Irish Breakfast. Alice discovered the puddings on her last trip to Ireland and Karen developed as taste in Dorchester, the traditionally Irish neighborhood in Boston. We picked out Ginger Lou’s on Yelp! and arrived at Foodies Corner. We all agreed it was the best breakfast yet, the tastiest sausages as well as delectable puddings. Nicely fortified, we’re ready to explore County Clare a bit!




  1. Mary Lou

    “A full Irish Breakfast” was a favorite meal to search for and enjoy on our trip. Some pubs and cafes advertised that it was available all day. Now we know and appreciate what a rasher of bacon is.

    • Steve & Karen

      And that Irish Bacon is so much meatier than the bacon we have always known!


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