Who knows what kind of delights are waiting just down the road. Today in the town of Austin, Minnesota, we discovered the Spam Museum. It’s a delightfully fun trip through the history of Hormel Foods in general and Spam in particular. There’s been a Hormel Museum since 1991 but this particular completely redesigned one opened in 2016 as the company was celebrating its 125th Anniversary. Part of the fun are the Spambassadors circulating to answer questions, take your photo, or to offer you a Spample of the iconic spiced ham on a pretzel stick! Definitely worth the stop!
Rally in the Adirondacks
Thanks to the organizational skills of Mandy & Kgreat weekend of endrick, the amazing support of their team, and the sponsorship of nüCamp RV we enjoyed a great weekend of camaraderie and fun at the Northeast Rally. Gathering with fellow teardrop aficionados is always an enriching experience and this gathering in the Adirondacks was no exception.