Into Port Townsend

2018 West, Road Trip, Washington

Again our first stop of the day was at the registration desk and this time we were successful at getting a place in Beach Campground for tonight. Since we were already in The Commons, we enjoyed a Breakfast Burrito and coffee at Reveille, a delightful eatery here at Fort Worden State Park. We lingered long enough that we returned to our T@B about 11AM, packed up, and made the move from #63 in The Forest to #30 on The Beach. That 5 minute, 1 mile drive to our new location made an impressive improvement in internet speed available on our Verizon Jetpack, from 1.5 mps in The Forest to 65.7 mps at The Beach! We met a couple of neighbors and spent a bit of time working on blog but then decided to poke into Port Townsend and soak up a bit of Victorian port town atmosphere. It’s been just a few days shy of ten years since we were here in early October 2008, so it’s high time for a return. We parked along the curb on an uptown street and descended the Haller Fountain Stairs in search of lunch at Leilani’s, recommended by a local. We loved the cookies and the iced beverages! Next we just wandered a bit, found a geocache in a little park next to the ferry landing, stopped by the Nifty Fifty’s Soda Shop for an ice cream fix, then climbed the stairs to Uptown. At the top we realized we’d already passed the geocache we were seeking so we went partway back down to snag the cache, on the way back to the car we paused at the historic Fire Bell Tower before heading back home to The Beach




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Winter Magic in Medina

Winter Magic in Medina

By deliberate choice we were in Medina for all the winter holiday festivities from Candlelight Walk in the days before Thanksgiving through A Christmas Carol and A Celtic Christmas as well as an Alex Bevan Concert and a historic house tour all the way through Medina’s 31st Ice Festival but perhaps the highlight was the town hosting hundreds of folks whose homes and lives were devasted by Hurricane Helene at the A Promise of Christmas Event the middle of January. It’s an honor to be a part of this amazing community!

Savoy at Sea 2025

Savoy at Sea 2025

The warmth we anticipated when we headed to the Caribbean in mid-January didn’t really materialize but the fun we had with our dancing friends and the great crew of the Margaritaville at Sea Islander more than made up for the not so favorable weather.