No, Texas is not our current location. We’re in southeastern Arizona, at an I-10 rest area north of places like Tombstone and Sierra Vista. As we zoom along I-10, traveling longer today than we’d like, we have Picacho, Arizona behind us and Las Cruces, New Mexico as today’s destination. As we pass interesting location after interesting location we’re thinking we need to plan a trip that allows us to linger a while in this area but today we’ll just enjoy the fabulous scenery at this Texas Canyon Rest Area while we make sandwiches and prepare for the next leg of today’s journey.
Winter Magic in Medina
By deliberate choice we were in Medina for all the winter holiday festivities from Candlelight Walk in the days before Thanksgiving through A Christmas Carol and A Celtic Christmas as well as an Alex Bevan Concert and a historic house tour all the way through Medina’s 31st Ice Festival but perhaps the highlight was the town hosting hundreds of folks whose homes and lives were devasted by Hurricane Helene at the A Promise of Christmas Event the middle of January. It’s an honor to be a part of this amazing community!
It really feels like being on the moon, such a vast area of beautiful white sand. I had a roommate who lived not too far from there, so a visit there was always fun.