Pendleton Mills! One of only four large scale woolen mills in the country. And they offer factory tours Monday through Friday! It seems to be a well kept secret but we found the information on the company website. It’s one of the reasons we stayed an extra night at Cascade Locks. We headed back into Washington State this morning to tour this hundred year old comprehensive textile mill. From the scoured fleece to the finished fabric, it all happens here. Batch dyeing, drying, carding, spinning, spool dyeing, warping, weaving, fringing, fabric dyeing, washing, fulling, labeling, and packing. It was amazing to walk through the mill, listening on headsets to our tour guide’s description of the various processes and to watch the automation of processes that we do by hand. It was a bit frustrating not to be able to take pictures. The connections with what we saw in Lowell and Donegal was striking! Of course we couldn’t leave without something warm to remember Pendleton in Washougal by!
A Taste of Old Florida
What a treat to pause for a BBQ lunch with the locals at Pearl Country Store and Barbecue on US-441 in Micanopy, Florida. It’s a taste of the Florida we remeber from our youth.