The Cripple Creek Heritage Center is a great place to immerse yourself in all things Cripple Creek from Native American lifestyle and early European explorations to hard rock gold mining and boom town life to local flora and fauna, current and prehistoric, as well as 19th Century transportation. It’s an amazing interpretive center on three levels utilizing impressive state of the art technology to engage visitors. Although it’s an excellent first stop when visiting Teller County, Colorado, we enjoyed it as a grand finale and a great review of the many things we’ve learned and enjoyed in this Rocky Mountain community at 10,000 feet elevation. Among the artifacts were several items of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s including a few name brands that were still in circulation when we were kids. Such fun on an afternoon with threatening looking skies.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.