Once upon a time we used to listen to our friend Gary expound on the probable/certain existence of Bigfoot with a healthy degree of skepticism. We’d never seen any scientific or even tangible evidence of the existence of a large hairy hominid nor known anyone who had actually seen or heard one. Then back in May we heard Bigfoot researcher, Jeff Carpenter, speak at the Jackson County Library in Sylva. As a member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, he came well prepared to discuss the existence of a large, hairy, bipedal non-human primate and to present night vision video and audio recordings of researchers encounters with the creature as well as to explain reasons for the paucity of evidence. We came away perhaps a little more convinced that indeed Bigfoot/Sasquach may exist and in fact may even reside in our own county. But still without personal experience we don’t fully believe. But then today on Pikes Peak Highway we saw a Bigfoot Crossing sign. Does that mean that they truly exist? And on the way down we stopped for refreshment at the North Slope Recreation area and found a wood carving and interpretive sign. All signs suggest that Bigfoot’s existence could be real. Personally we hope not to experience a close encounter.