Members of the T@B Tribe

2019 West Again, Colorado, Road Trip, States

Not ready to leave Cripple Creek, we lingered over the Sunday morning Pancake Breakfast. On our way back to our T@B we saw Diana outside her T@B. We’re always ready to hang out with fellow T@Bbers, so we stopped by for another visit with her. Diana introduced us to Meagan, the owner of the brand new Airstream Basecamp parked nearby. Turns out Meagan is a blogging traveler who until two days ago had been a T@B owner. She has had many an adventure traveling solo in her T@B 320 but the teardrop is too small for both her and her quite tall husband. In fact even the larger T@B 400 doesn’t quite fit the bill. So despite her love for all thing nüCamp, she agreed to trade in the T@B for a small trailer that fits the two of them better. Now they will have more opportunities to travel together. We noticed them and the Basecamp when they pulled in on Friday then overheard them telling someone else that they’d just picked it up from the dealer. Not wanting to get in their way during set up we decided not to wander over to their campsite right away. Then we didn’t see them outside again. But she had noticed us and our camper. We didn’t get a chance to peek into the Basecamp and she didn’t get a chance to hobnob with other members of the T@B Tribe until just now. We exchanged contact information and now we’ll be checking to see if she blogs about this stay in Cripple Creek with their fine new camper.



1 Comment

  1. Meg

    I am so glad I finally got to meet everyone!
    The weather made it hard for us to get out and socialize, didn’t it? Talking to you, Steve, and Diana helped cure some of the sadness I was feeling from trading my beloved T@B. As silly as it sounds, the whole experience of seeing you all with your T@Bs and me feeling like an outsider now was just what I needed to learn how to adapt and move on as an Airstream owner. 🙂
    Keep on T@bbin’!


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