Like folks all over the world, we’re finding ways of coping with what we hope just an interlude of confinement with a combination of high tech and low tech modifications of how we do things. Late this morning we did a yoga class with about 14 thousand others. The teacher was in her own living room live streaming and we were in our own living room following her lead for half an hour! Shortly after that on our doorstep we found the new Levi’s that we’d ordered from Levi.com less than 48 hours earlier! That actually may become our new norm. We both were able to purchase exactly the model, size, and color of blue jeans that we wanted, no compromise. And particularly sweet for us (since we get our mail a forty minute drive away) this package was delivered FedEx straight to our house. We finished the day having drinks and dinner at our neighbor’s house a half mile up the mountain. They are also isolating and are fastidious in their habits so that’s the one in-person social outlet that we’re allowing ourselves these days. We finished off the evening learning the Dominos game of Mexican Train from them. So grateful for excellent video streaming opportunities, doorstep delivery of online purchases, and excellent friends on our mountainside!