As we were doing our last grocery shopping prior to our governor’s executive order to Stay at Home, we noticed some Yancey’s Fancy cheese at our local grocery store where we regularly peruse the offerings for an out of the ordinary cheese or two. Then as we started making our way through our stock of food, we saved the Champagne and the Horseradish cheeses for later. Finally last week we pulled them out and served them as an appetizer for Friday night dinner and they were a big hit! Actually it’s not our first encounter with Yancey’s. In 2013, on our first trip with our T@B Clamshell we ventured into New York and in Westfield discovered this line of artisan cheeses crafted in Corfu, New York. Of course we had to get some more and the most logical action would be to order online and have some shipped from the factory. And they’re here. As we excitedly pulled the wedges from the insulated and chilled box, we realized we’d just avoided the situation of “No Cheese” that any Wallace & Gromit fan may recognize as most dreaded. Life is good!
The really look good… I will have to look for to try.