Today presented us with one of those rare excuses to get out of the house, to stop by the recycling center with our refuse, to fuel our truck for the first time in two months at $1.589/gallon – when’s the last time we saw that price? And especially to pick up our mail. Just getting out of the house feels like an adventure in this era of social distancing, but the mail reminded us of adventures past and future. One piece of mail was The Cahokian Newsletter reminding us of our visit last September to Cahokia, an amazing pre-Columbian urban center near St Louis that at in the 11th Century was a larger city that either London or Paris. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site well worth visiting. Another piece was the AAA Carolinas Go Magazine with an intriguing article entitiled Tell Me a Story about Jonesborough, Tennessee, a location that for a long time we’ve been promising ourselves we’d visit and explore. Hopefully restrictions will ease in the coming weeks and we may once again be free to move about the country.