This saga began a rainy Thursday morning about ten days ago. Two sizable trees, a red oak and a black locust lost their footing on the knoll above our driveway. They uprooted and tumbled down striking the back of Bell@, our 2021 nüCamp T@B 400 on the edge, denting the roof and shattering the Stargazer window under which we’d been sleeping just a half an hour earlier. Immediately, as we began clearing the trees in the rain, making phone calls, and getting a tarp on the roof, we began counting our blessings. We weren’t in the camper when it happened, nothing else got damaged, we were able to take action immediately to prevent further damage, the temperature was moderate so working in the rain was only minimally uncomfortable, we have comprehensive insurance on the trailer, and on and on. We were able to initiate the insurance claim immediately. A dear friend was able to run some critical errands for us on the way to our house. The very next day nüCamp was able to ship out a replacement window which arrived on Tuesday and was installed within the hour with some help from our friends. It happened as we were preparing to receive the first of our out of town Deck Day guests that afternoon and from there the activity level kept accelerating into the Deck Day festivities so we didn’t have time to dwell on the issue. A new 10’x12′ tarp kept the interior dry and we continued to sleep in the trailer as house guests filled up our bedrooms. The clearing of the downed trees continued on as Steve was a lumberjack for a weekend. Once Deck Day wound down and we removed the tarp, we used Gorilla tape on what seemed the most vulnerable spots and we were able to secure an appointment at the brand new nüCamp Service Center for Austin to assess the damage and write up a repair estimate for our insurance company. Last night we stayed in one of the brand new state of the art courtesy campsites behind the service center in Sugarcreek, Ohio and this morning after assessing the damage and assuring that we are watertight, Austin declared the trailer able to travel until it’s time to return in October for what will be extensive repairs of the roof and side wall. We’re on the road again and life is good. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Joe Mullet and the organization that he founded on an amazing set a core values. We wouldn’t be the people we are today and have had the incredible adventures we’ve had over the last dozen or more years without nüCamp in our lives. Thank you, our friends at our house who helped with the tree clearing and the window installation, and thank you to our nüCamp family for having our back through all of this. We feel truly blessed.

Glad you all are safe and all is either fixed or planned-to-be-fixed. Best Wishes!
Wow! My worst nightmare is what you just experienced. Thankfully, no one hurt and she is still towable until full repairs are made, right? Safe travels.