What can we say? üCamp is always an incredible experience. Every year it gets bigger and better and more enriching. It’s truly amazing the number of great friendships that have begun with this gathering of like minded adventurous folks not to mention how much we’ve learned about our own style from fellow campers. The party had already started before we arrived three days early. It took us hours to set up camp because we were constantly interrupted by reunions with old friends and the opportunity to meet new friends. Officially the event started on Monday for the entire week there was always something to do and someone to talk to. The nüCamp team that organized the gathering, and indeed all of nüCamp was truly amazing and there for us every step of the way as we met challenges and triumphs. As we cleaned up after a terrific storm and suffered a heat wave. As we celebrated the upcoming wedding of Mandy Lea & Kendrick, two dear members of this community. As we hugged and cheered and grew closer together. The two of us lingered after the official close of festivities on Friday and gathered for Saturday dinner with a much smaller group of folks for one last campfire circle. Of course we’ll be back at Winklepleck for üCamp23!

The bubbles were so much fun. I’d like to have a copy of the photo please. It was so nice to be your neighbor.