Life is an Adventure! Today we’ve taken a huge step in moving on to the next chapter in our lives. If all goes according to plan the sale of our mountain house will be complete within forty-eight hours. This morning we tucked the last few items into our truck, did a walk through to make sure we’d not missed anything, left the keys on the kitchen countertop, locked the door, took one more look at the view from the deck, and backed the truck out of the driveway for the last time. When we turned on the radio, Jimmy Buffett’s “Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude” was playing! How perfect. We’re headed north to Ohio to place the rest of our possessions into storage, establish residency there and begin the next chapter of our lives. For the first year, maybe longer, we will travel full-time in our nüCamp T@B 400 but with an emphasis on spending more time with family. Ultimately we expect to settle in northeastern Ohio not far from one of our sons and his family, and closer to our other two offspring and their families. This has been a long time coming, we’ve been contemplating a move of this sort for years. Then back in April both sons approached us, independently but within weeks of each other, and suggested we consider relocating to be nearer to one of our three kids. We took time to ponder whether we were really ready to let go of our mountain house dream home not to mention where we would want to settle and begin to build a new social network. In September a few things happened to tell us that we were ready. The house went on the market on October 6th and the whirlwind began. Days have been filled with multiple decisions big and small on what to keep, what to donate, what to discard, and how to accomplish all that. There was no energy for blogging these last three months and no way to detail all of that in just one post, but stay tuned. We’ll look at what it took to get here, the good, the bad, and the ugly. We’ll backdate some of the posts, so if you don’t want to miss any, you might consider scrolling all the way to the bottom of this page to subscribe.
Good luck on your fresh start! Our families are in northeast Ohio and western PA so maybe we can see you when we camp near them…Happy trails,
Virginia and Mark
So happy for you guys!
Cannot say in words how happy I am that you are coming to live in Ohio!
Congratulations on sale of your house and finishing the moving out process! HUGE achievement! Can’t wait to see you when you get to the Southwest! Happy trails!
always looking forward, while still being able to look back
I’m sending best wishes for all of these changes! I’m hoping this means we will see each other more often in Ohio!
How exciting. We look forward to your continuing adventures. H@ppy Tr@ils. Joyce
Wow!! This sounds like the perfect decision in your journey together!!! You will feel so free!!
Lots of love dear friends!! Susan☘️
So glad we will get to see more of you up north!!
Wow, in Aug we moved to Southern OH and know that whirlwind feeling! Keep in touch, our phone numbers are the same. Love, Beth and Paul
Welcome Home (to Ohio)
Congrats!…a new chapter indeed..you will enjoy being closer to family..and from a kid’s point of view..it’s much easier..
Good luck! Change is hard, but you will enjoy being near family.
We are so pleased for you and the family. CONGRATULATIONS!
We have had the same sort of “Nudges” from our children. We are still contemplating the results should we take them up on their requests.
Best Wishes to you on your newest adventure . Your sons approaching you on this is a heartwarming comfort.
Our special joys come from watching Alibek and his wife Emilie and their two children. Sophia 2 & Theodore 6. We play, laugh and hug, sing songs. They love our yard!. We miss ALyson in Almeda, California. Now working for United Airlines as an environmental engineer. We will be seeing her more often!❤️
We are planning family Christmas in a cabin in Fletcher NC!Yippee!
Give each other and all your family a hug for us.
Best wishes on your new adventure! I will miss you both very much!
Wishing you all the best as you travel through your new life.
Oh! My! Goodness! Well we congratulate you on what we know was a big and difficult decision! We made a similar one seven years ago when we left Florida after 43 years and moved to Houston. Yes, life is an adventure and you two ARE adventurers! We’re certain this will be another exciting journey for you as you travel the path of life. We wish you all the best and happy trails until we meet again.
Love you,
Sharon & Paul
Wishing you the Best as you start a new chapter in life! Am glad for the vacations my friends and I had at your house while you were out enjoying your TAB 400. will treasure those Memories for a lifetime! God Bless! Hope to see you around.
We may see you tomorrow when we pick up our trailer. And we can make plans for a dinner together soon!
The next chapter! Very excited for you. Fun times ahead! ❤️
Good luck on the next chapters! Will truly miss that lovely spot Tween Creeks!
You will enjoy the Ohio climate and family of that I am sure! Meanwhile let us know how to get mail to you two.
Best Wishes and good luck on your next adventure! I hope we can somehow get together in 2023. I will reach out to you when we visit family in Ohio. We would be about 3 hours from you but maybe we could each drive a little and meet somewhere in the middle! Love to all.
Sue McGough Michael
Feeling blessed to have been able to share in the Deck Day festivities at your beautiful mountain home. I know the process and how difficult it is to make the decision to sell and to leave for the last time. It’s a very difficult process and takes a lot of energy both physically and emotionally. It’s good to be near family.
Congratulations on this new adventure.
I do not plan on being in quarantine next to May!
Hopefully we will cross paths between now and then.
Take good care of yourselves and safe travels.
Congratulations! What a whirlwind your life must be right now. Excited to see what the next chapter of your life will look like.
We were so excited to participate in your final deck day next spring but we’re also excited about this next chapter in your lives! Looking forward to many meet ups on the road and you’re ALWAYS welcome to plug in at our place whether it’s for a night or for a month. Please consider us your Midwest anchor point. Love you guys!!