Seven of us have piled into a seven passenger van (aka The Clown Car) and have ventured out into the snowy streets on a Christmas Eve adventure. First stop was Dunkin’ for morning beverages and a review of Christmas Eve/Road-trip traditions. Positivity rules with some latitude for driver comments on fellow drivers. The playlist is non-traditional, car singing permitted. The trip begins with a selfie with all participants The plan is to stop for breakfast before continuing on to see “Hamilton” live in Cleveland then returning home for gifts, pizza, and maybe even a Star Wars film. This is why we’ve braved the craziness of releasing ourselves from home ownership, moving into T@B full-time, and even braving recent sub-zero weather. It’s fabulous being immersed in newer family traditions and sharing adventures with extended family!

Happy Holidays you crazy kids!
Hope you guys have a very Happy Holiday!!
Merry Christmas. Keep warm.
Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful experience with new traditions!
Merry Christmas and welcome to the north!
What fun! Merry Christmas to you and the family !
Merry Christmas to y’all ☮️
Greetings from Germany ☃️ Konni & Heinz
Bravery – is ALWAYS rewarded. Well done you all. Merry Christmas to one and all.
be careful out there in that crazy weather with those crazy drivers
We’re all now safely ensconced at the house, the rental van has been successfully returned, snd pizza’s on order. So grateful for folks willing to make and deliver pizza on Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas from the Artic South. We are relatively warm and very blessed. So good to know you all are well.
Love it! Merry Christmas. See you in 2023!
Ohhh! So envious! We’ve seen Hamilton twice. It is awesome! Merry Christmas to all and hugs to everyone!